Village of Brussels - Established 1855
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Main Street Brussels, Ontario

Main Street Brussels, Ontario
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Brief History
The Maitland River, which gives Brussels one of the most beautiful settings in western Ontario, was also the genesis of the 19th century industrial boom that has left the village with some of the area's best examples of Victorian architecture. Today the river setting provides an area of recreation and beauty to Brussels. More than a century ago the ability of the river to power mills first attracted industry to Brussels. Later mills and factories converted to steam and the village boomed. In the late 1800s Brussels boasted the usual flour and grist mills, flax mills, sawmills and planing mills, two woollen mills, furniture factories, a salt works, a lime works, carriage factories, a fire engine factory and even a corset factory. All this activity led to a bustling main street much larger than a village of its size could normally support. Today all the industries are gone, but the Victorian streetscape remains as a tribute to the builders of the community.
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