Village of Brussels - Established 1855
About the Village of Brussels Website
This site is a community site for the residents/families both present and past, community groups, churches and businesses of the Village of Brussels, Ontario. There are many great features that we encourage you to use, such as the Photo Gallery, Forum, as well as the Calendar.

Why Create This Site?
We fell in love with this village upon visiting it in the spring of 2002 and now call it our home. We think it is one of the prettiest places around and wanted to share it with everyone :)


Photo Gallery: We have created the Photo Gallery, in order that you may enjoy some lovely pictures of Brussels. There is an added feature in that you can have your own personal, family or Community Group Photo Gallery! This will enable you to share your photos with all your family and friends, as well as the residents of Brussels. If you would like to participate, please do the following:
  • You will first need to register, if you have not already done so.
  • After your registration has been approved, then please contact us with the details in order that we can set things up, it is that easy!

  • Forum: This area of the site is open for everyone to read, only registered users can actively post questions/replies. In this area, you can read the latest news, post questions, chat, help others or just hang out. :) We are also open to your suggestions. If you would like to see additional forum categories added, or if you are involved in a Community Group and would like a forum created specifically for your group, please contact us.

    Calendar: Looking to see what is happening in Brussels and when? This is the place to go, as you can find most local events, dates and times here. If you find there is an event missing, or would like us to place an event on the Calendar, just follow these easy steps:
  • Visit the Calendar and then choose the particular month/year from the drop menu, located in the bottom left corner of the page.
  • Once within the correct month, click on the + icon located in the upper right corner of the day of the event you wish to post.
  • Fill in the appropriate information and be sure to include the "Brief Description", "Full Description", "Date" and "Time". The rest of the information is optional.
  • Click "Save" and your event will be submitted for approval. If there are any questions please feel free to contact us.
  • � Copyright 2003, All rights reserved worldwide.