Village of Brussels - Established 1855
Huron Feeding Systems
Huron Feeding Systems
Joe and Debbie Seili have owned and operated Huron Feeding Systems since 1978. Our shop is located in the Industrial Park in Brussels. Come visit us for free quotes for your individual applications. Joe can arrange to have our installation crew come to your farm and customize your feeding setup.

We sell:

Westeel grain bins and feed tanks for farm storage and a full line of complimentary products from fans and augers to motors and feed carts. Westeel is entirely Canadian made line of equipment.

Val Metal, another Canadian supplier, provides us with silo unloaders, conveyors and related equipment. Come see the latest in bale choppers at our shop.

Brussels, Ontario

Phone: (519)887-6289
Fax: (519)887-9500
Sales, Service and Installation of:
Grain Bins and Elevators
Grain and Corn Dryers
Stabling, Rollers, Mills
Feed Tanks, Flex Augers

Business hours are Mon-Fri from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Service calls are monitored by 24 hour answering service.
� Copyright 2003, All rights reserved worldwide.